
Attention: Rehabs, Detox Centers, Mental Health Professionals, Coaches, Interventionists, Criminal Lawyers and Holistic Addiction Service Providers

"Are You an Addiction Specialist Looking for an Easier Way to Reach your Ideal Client?"

Get Your Business Featured as One of the Top Addiction Resources in Florida and Directly Reach Thousands of Addicts and their Families

Florida Addiction Resource Directory Marketing Package

***Only one Professional per Category, per City will be accepted***

As addiction takes over more lives, people are desperately seeking the best treatment for themselves or their loved ones. It is difficult to know which rehab, detox centers, interventionists, mental health professionals, criminal lawyers and other addiction professionals are the best in the addiction field.

Getting help quickly is crucial to an addicts’ recovery. Being able to find Addiction Professionals best suited to the addicts’ needs is critical to family and friends who are trying to find the very best treatment for their love one suffering from addiction.

As a caring Addiction Service Provider looking to market your services to those suffering from addiction, you need to stand out from the competition and use unique marketing vehicles to reach those who so desperately need your help.

That is why we have embarked on a quest to weed out and uncover the top addiction resources in Florida and provide addicts and their loved ones easy access to the cream of the crop in addiction.

We do this by featuring Addiction Professionals in a unique way. We market your services by interviewing you both on our Addiction 911 Podcast on Itunes.com and on our Addiction 911 Show. Your podcast is then featured in an issue of Addiction 911 Magazine, which is launching soon in the Apple Store for the Ipad.

Listeners and viewers are given the chance to hear, see and connect with you, building trust and credibility.

These interviews are in depth and geared toward highlighting a service you provide that can make a difference in the addict’s life. They are educationally based and not a commercial.

We position you as the expert in your field and give you massive visibility and exposure through social media, email marketing, press releases and other promotional efforts.

We have had 6,585 listens/downloads so far....

Your podcast interview will be featured in an issue  of Addiction 911 Magazine and  also be listed in the "Resources" Section of Addiction 911 Magazine for 1 year!

We also feature you in an exclusive, one year listing in the Florida Addiction Resource Directory with only one Professional per Category, per City in Florida accepted.

The Directory include Rehabs, Detox Centers, Mental Health Professionals, Interventionists, Coaches, Holistic Service Providers and other professionals devoted to helping addict’s recover from addiction.

These professionals will be featured on the website with full listings including a photo, information on facility/service, phone number, address, website url and any special offer the professional would like to provide to viewers and readers.

Here is what is included:

Addiction Professionals already featured:

Get Your Business Featured!

To Recap, Here is What You Will Get:

  • Listing on Florida Addiction Resource Directory. Listing will feature the professional’s name, photo, logo, information, website and contact information. Link to website will be promoted extensively via social media and online marketing.
  • 30 minute interview on the Addiction 911 Podcast. This podcast is promoted to thousands of families with addicted loved ones and featured on itunes.com. A copy of the interview in an mp3 format will be made available to you for your own use.
  • Live interview on The Addiction 911 Show. Replay will be featured on our youtube channel. We will extensively market the show to addiction and mental health professionals in Florida and mothers and families of addicts. MP4 recording of show will be provided.
  • Your business name featured in our press releases for the Florida Addiction Resource Directory and Addiction 911 Podcast & Show you are featured. Press releases will be submitted to Florida media outlets.
  • Your interview featured in an issue of Addiction 911 Magazine (available soon in the Apple Store) and also listed in the Resource Section for 1 Year.

Take advantage of the Florida Addiction Resource Marketing Package today and save $200 off the regular price of $1,197.00 for only $997.00 for the year. Remember, we can only accept ONE ADDICTION PROFESSIONAL PER CATEGORY, PER CITY IN FLORIDA. So make sure to secure your place today below

Have questions? Email Christina Rowe at christina@standoutmediagroup.com or call 786-766-9126

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